Tsvikli (Beet-and-Horseradish Relish)
Ukrainians like beetroots in general and see them as the local superfood, hence the popularity of red borscht and beetroot salad as well as numerous modern beetroot smoothies and even beet desserts.
Ukrainian tsvikli or buriachok (little beetroot) is a beet and horseradish relish that typically accompanies meat, fish dishes, and kholodets.
It is always in the Easter basket and on the Easter table, but it is likely you’ll get a chance to taste it every time there is a festive occasion. If you are a fan of wasabi, you just need to try tsvikli to see how it beats wasabi on every level.
The earthy taste of beetroot and the tangy touch of horseradish make a unique marriage that prickles your tongue and leaves a pleasant tickling sensation.
Tsvikli (Beet-and-Horseradish Relish)
How to Make Tsvikli (Beet-and-Horseradish Relish):
- Cut the stems off about 1 inch above the beets and leave the roots intact.
- Wash the beets thoroughly and cook them boiling water until tender.
- Drain and cover with cold water.
- Slip off the peel and cut off the stems and roots.
- Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Do the same for the horseradish. Mix it all well.
- Combine the salt, vinegar, sugar, and spices, and bring to a boil. Strain over the beet mixture.
- Mix and pack into sterilized sealers. Seal and store in a cool place.
- Let the relish sit for 24 hours before using.